Trnsys 15
Q: What is TRNSYS?A: TRNSYS (pronounced: 'tran-sis') is a software package that has been commercially available since 1975. The software package consisits of a graphical front-end (TRNSYS Simulation Studio) to intuitively create a simulation, an interface for the detailed TRNSYS multi-zone building (TRNBuild/Type56), a SketchUp plugin for creating the multi-zone building envelope (TRNSYS3d), and a tool for manually editing the TRNSYS input files and creating stand-alone TRNSYS-based applications (TRNEdit/TRNSED). TRNSYS takes a modular, 'black box' component approach to developing and solving simulations: the outputs of one component are sent to the inputs of another component (transient successive subsitution).
TRNSYS has been used extensively but is definitely not limited to simulate solar processes and other renewable energy, high performance buildings, and electric power generation.Q: Where may I find more information about TRNSYS Training Courses or TRNSYS related events?A: Announcements and events will be communicated via the the and the. Some of the TRNSYS distributors offer TRNSYS Training Courses throughout the year and host TRNSYS Workshops at the International Building Performance Simulation Association conferences.Q: What standards does TRNSYScomply to?A: TRNSYS has become referencesoftwarethroughout theworld. It is one of thelisted simulation programs in the recent European Standards on solarthermalsystems (ENV-12977-2).
The level of detail of TRNSYS' building model,known as'Type 56', is compliant with the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard140-2001. The level of detail of Type 56 also meets the generaltechnicalrequirements of the European Directive on the Energy Performance ofBuildings,which makes TRNSYS a potential candidate for compliance with thedirective'simplementations in various EU countries. TRNSYS was not only used for the IEA Task34/43, to increase the accuracy of the ground-coupled heat transfer, but it was also the only whole building energy simulation program that was deemed as a BESTEST reference standard. TRNSYS has also been used for building simulation for numerous LEED projects.Q: Is there an evaluation or demo version available for TRNSYS?A: Yes, the demo version may be obtained from the page.Q: How do I reference TRNSYS for a publication?A: Klein, S.A. Et al, 2017, TRNSYS 18: A Transient System Simulation Program, Solar Energy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA,.Q: How do I purchase TRNSYS?A: TRNSYS may be purchased from one of the. Please contact the respective distributor, and please note that there are exclusive distributors for the,.
Trnsys Type 15
If your company or institution is not located in one of those countries, you may purchase from any of the official TRNSYS distributors.Q: How much does TRNSYS cost?A: Please contact your for a price list or more information.Q: I am a software reseller. Do I get a discount?A: No discounts are applied to software resellers as the is responsible for the technical support of the software.TRNSYS Simulation Studio / Online RegistrationQ: What is the difference between the node-locked and floating licenses?A: A node-locked license is assigned to a specific computer. A floating license is checked out only when TRNSYS is actually used on a computer. Utilizing the floating license requires an active internet connections whenever the software is running.Q: What is the Online Studio Registration, and how do I implement it?A: The TRNSYS Simulation Studio requires an online registration to generate an activation key for TRNSYS. When you open the Simulation Studio for the first time, a small window will prompt with your specific computer machine code identification number. Highlight and copy this machine ID number. Go to your respective, enter the appropriate information, and generate an activation key.
Highlight and copy the activation key, and paste it back in the small window of the Simulation Studio.Q: The Online Studio Registration did not work, what should I do now?A: When you paste the activation key back in the small window of the Simulation Studio, make sure that you do not have any spaces before or after the activation key. Make sure that you are pasting the correct activation key and not any machine ID number.
You may also need administrator privleges to implement this. If it still does not work, please contact your.Q: What constraints should thesimulation time step comply to?A: The timestep should be 1/n of anhour, wheren is an integer. The reason is to make sure that an integer number oftimesteps will fit into one hour (many things happen at the hour:integration, datareading, etc.).In TRNSYS 18 the ruleis n/m where n and m both are integers.
Mis forced to be smaller than 1 / (minimum time step), which iscurrently set to0.1 sec, i.e. 0.7778 hours (so the denominator must besmaller than36000). The reason is here again to make sure that we can count on'reaching round numbers at some point inthesimulation'. Data readers, Printers and integrators etc. Will warn youiftheir time step is not an integer multiple of the time step (and it'sNOTrecommended to keep it).TRNBuild / Building model (Type 56) / TRNSYS3DQ:I have a buildingdescription using lots of windows. I would like to try a variant of thesystem,replacing all windows of one type by another one. Do I have to changetheWINDOW type everywhere in the project or is there a trick?A:You can redefine the window - type in the Window manager: open thewindowsmanager; select the window type; click on the 'W4-lib' - button;choose the new window type.Q:What does the defaultvalue of the solar absorbtancefactors used in TRNBuildmean?A:These factors for theinside (ABS-FRONT) describe the distribution of solar gains that a zonegetsthrough its windows.Thedefault value of 0.6 isthe case for a vertical wall.
Other recomendedvaluesare0.1 for ceilingsand0.8for floorsQ:Where can I get theWINDOW program needed to introduce new windows into TrnBuild?A:The program is available for free at the following website.Q:I want to define anairflow from one zone (z1) to another one (z2), without a flow in theother way(from z2 to z1) - i.e. Define cross ventilation. Where does the air inz1 comefrom and how do I define it?A:The 'coupling airflow' specified for a zone is always the flow into the zone - it CANNOTbenegative. To compensate for air leaving a zone, you have to adapt theinfiltration rate of the zone (z1, in the example). You always need tospecifyair coming into a zone (by specifying coupling flowrates,or adapting infiltration rates). Air going out is 'removedautomatically'. (You have to make sure that zones do not'implode'; 'exploding' zones are no problem).Q:Does the ESHADEfactor cut direct and diffuse radiation in the same way?A: ESHADE reducesboth direct and diffuseradiation in the same way.Q:Heat transfercoefficients are defined by a radiativeand aconvective part; in TrnBuild,the convective part canbe entered.
How to input the radiative part?A:All surfaces are assumed to be black for long wave radiativeexchange and radiativeinternal gains for surfacesinside the zone. This is a good approximation for most real world cases(exceptions would be huge mirrors or stainless steel panels at insidesurfacesor windows with low-E coatings towards the zone). It is not possible tochangethis assumption easily in type 56.
A possible workaround would be todefineadditional wall gains, but it is usually not worth the effort. Allexternalsurfaces are assumed to be grey (E=0.9) for longwaveradiation exchange with the sky. The values of longwave emissivityfor windows are taken from the“w4-lib.dat” file.Q:Is it possibleto use different values for Absorption and Emissivityin type 56?A:The longwave absorptionand emissivityfor opaque walls are assumed to be equal (E=A=1 inside the zone).Q: What is alpha-calculation (in the BUI )?A:These are coefficientsfor the automatic heat transfer in type 56 like youcould do externally with TYPE80 in previous versions of TRNSYS (15 and earlier).Q: How to optimize mysimulationsfor speed?A: You canoptimize the 'TRNSYS side' and the 'programming' (FORTRAN, C.) side. Telegram for nokia symbian os x. Common tricks for theTRNSYS side include:-tuneGLOBAL cards carfully(convergence limits,integration precission.) - the usual precissionvs. Speed tradeoff-tunecomponent parameters carefully (minimum number of nodes necessary.). Thisis usually most efficient.-optimizecomponent order (components which do not compute a lot (printers, onlline.)at the end.)In yourprogramming environment (e.g., FORTRAN compiler), make sure youuse the 'Release' build (not the debug build) and check 'Optimize forspeed' inthe settings (e.g.
FORTRAN/Optimisations category). Make sure to applythis toALL modules (modifiysettings for all modules,rebuild all modules). Be careful, however: some unstable third-partytypes donot support optimization (e.g.
Range Check error in type 140).
Solar thermal systems are an efficient utilization of solar energy for hot water and space heating at domestic level. A Solar Water Heater (SWH) incorporating an Evacuated Glass Tube Collector (EGTC) is simulated using TRNSYS software. Efficiency parameters are pointed, and a parametric optimization method is adopted to design the system with maximum conceivable efficiency. In the first part, the selection of refrigerant for heat transportation in SWH loop is presented. A set of 15 working fluids are chosen, and their chemical properties are computed using NIST standard software (REFPROP). The selected working fluids are tested in the system under study and plots for energy gain and temperature are plotted using TRNSYS. Results showed that ammonia (NH 3) having specific heat 4.6kJ/kg-K and fluid thermal conductivity 2.12 kJ/hr-m supplies peak energy gain of 7500 kJ/h in winter and 8900 kJ/h in summer season along 120 °C temperature rise.
On the other hand, R-123 having specific heat 0.65kJ/kg-K and fluid thermal conductivity 0.0293kJ/hr-m showed inferior performance during the simulation. A solar-hydrogen co-generation system is also designed and simulated under low solar insolation and warm climate regions to study annual hydrogen produced by the hybrid system. System comprises main components: a PV array, an electrolyzer, a fuel cell, a battery, a hydrogen storage unit and a controller in the complete loop.
Results of Hydrogen cogeneration system provide 7.8% efficiency in the cold climate of Fargo North Dakota state due to lower solar insolation. While hot climate condition of Lahore weather provides efficiency of 11.8% which satisfy the statistics found in literature.