Cobol Db2 Cics Program Compilation

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Cobol Db2 Cics Program Compilation Download

/ tejPrecompilation separates the SQL statements and non-SQLstatements of an application program.From the precompilation step onwards the original sourcecode will be contained in two separate physical components.The non-sql part of the program will have all thesql-statements commented out by the precompiler and andreplaced with cobol call statements.The colection of SQL that was extracted will be placed in aDBRM(Database Request Module).Precompiler also places aconsitency token in both of its outputs. / siriCOBOL+DB2 COMPILATION PROCESS:-1)PRE-COMPILATION:-.PRE-COMPILATION PROCESS UTILITY IS DSNHPC.IT IS THE PROCESS OF SEPARATING COBOL AND DB2 STATEMENTS.IT CHECK THE SYNTAX ERRORS OF DB2 STATEMENTS AND ALSO IT PLACES THE ERROR FREE DB2 STATEMENTS IN DBRM.AND ALSO IT PLACES THE TIME-STAMPS TOKEN IN MODIFIED SOURCECODE AND DBRM.MODIFIED SOURCE CODE:-IT PLACES ONLY COBOL CALL STATEMENTS.ALL DB2 STATEMENTS REPLACED BY THE COBOL CALL STATEMENTS.DBRM(DATA BASE REQUEST MOODULE).ONE DBRM IS CREATED FOR ONE PROGRAM. ::,.:: Banking Finance, Business Administration, Funding, Hotel Management, Human Resources, IT Management, Industrial Management, Infrastructure Management, Marketing Sales, Operations Management, Personnel Management, Supply Chain Management.:: Aeronautical, Automobile, Bio, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Electronics Communications, Industrial, Instrumentation, Marine, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Metallurgy, Power Plant.:: USA Visa, UK Visa, Australia Visa, Canada Visa, Germany Visa, New Zealand Visa. Copyright © 2005-2019 All Rights Reserved.