Time Institute Aptitude Material
Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive ExamsQuantitative Aptitude Q&A, one of the major scoring subjects in all competitive exams. Exams like IBPS, RRB’s, RBI, SSC Quantitative and Aptitude will be awarded with 50 to 100 Marks. Daily 2-3 hrs practice of Quantitative and Aptitude makes, numerical ability and accuracy high.
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Time Institute Aptitude Material In Science
ANSWER: b) The emotional climate at homeFeelings of physical safety and emotional security are vitally important for the development of student. Students feel free to express themselves and explore their physical, intellectual, and social environments when these are present.9. Which of the following situations would the best for maximum transfer of learning?a) Different tasks requiring different responsesb) Different tasks requiring the same responsec) Similar tasks requiring different responsesd) Similar tasks requiring the same response.