Test Tool Selection Criteria

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Table of Contents.Manual Testing vs Automation TestingAs the name suggests, manual testing requires human effort in running test cases without the use of any tools. Whereas, automation testing is performed by using some tools and test scripts. What is Automation Testing?When testing tools like Selenium, QTP, Load Runner etc. Are used to write and execute test cases, it’s called Automation Testing.

What is Functional Automation Testing?Functional Automation Testing is the process of identifying various functionalities in the project which need to be repetitively tested and then developing and executing Automation Scripts (Programs) to validate the functionalities. Advantages of Automation Testing.

Automation vastly increases the test coverage. Automation optimize the testing speed. Automation improves the testing quality. Automation reduces the cost of testing. Automation reduces the test execution time.

Selecting And Installing Software Testing Tools Ppt

Automation does not require Human intervention. We can schedule tests to run overnight without human intervention. Automation scripts can run at any time and any number of times. Reusability of scripts on other applications. Easy to test Stress, Performance and Load.

Saves manual efforts.Disadvantages of Automation Testing. Debugging the test script is a major issue.

It may lead to consequences if any error is present in the test script. Proficiency is required to write automation test scripts. Test maintenance is costly. Maintenance of test data is difficult.Which Test Cases can be Automated?Test Cases should be automated if the following conditions are met. Automation Testing Process Automation Testing Tool Selection CriteriaSelecting an automation tool largely depends on application technology. Date: February 26, 2019.

Examples of selection criteria

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Test Management Tool Selection Criteria

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