Best Amharic Books Pdf
In Ethiopia byBernd BierbaumBook DescriptionPublication Date: August 8, 2011A dust-fille d journey of 3000km, taken twentytimes, yields ten chapters of vivid encountersand tangible impressi on s. Set between sky-high mountains onthe top of Africa, blistering hot deserts of theDanakil Depression a ndthe fertile Blue Nile valley, this is the cradleof humankind, or, according to the EthiopianChurch, t he home of Adam and Eve before theirfall from grace. Bernd Bierbaum, avid traveller,writer and anthrop ologistwas so captivated by Ethiopia that he returnedtwice each year for the past decade. Painting anint riguing web of myth andeveryday life, In Ethiopia challenges commonassumptions, allowing an ancient yet un iversaland relevant wisdom to reveal itself. A classicof modern travel writing. 'I asked myself timeand again, how a Faranji (foreigner) couldunderstand so much about my coun try.'
(Azeb Tadesse-Hahn, Deutsche Welle) 'BerndBierbaum travels with open eyes, without anyform of arrogance or wise-cracking.' (AndreasObst, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)'Refreshing, poetic, and written with deepknowledge.'
(Arte TVParis). This is a history of the Ethiopians from pre-historyto the present day. Drawing on research in archeology, anthropology, linguisticsand on recent historiography, the book charts the development of Ethiopianpeoples and their society, placing emphasis on the African origins of Ethiopiancivilization.The book opens with a review of Ethiopian prehistory, showing howthe Ethiopian section of the African Rift Valley has come to be seen as the'cradle of humanity'.
It describes, for instance, the discovery of the remainsof the oldest known hominid, 'Lucy', in the middle Awash Valley, in 1974. Thebook then discusses Ethiopia in biblical time, reconsidering, for example, thelegend of the Queen of Sheba. The author examines the various dynasties thatruled in the period up to the first Portuguese mission, and explores thesubsequent political and religious struggles between Christians, Muslims andFalashas. He discusses the social and economic effects of key stages inEthiopian history such as the Gondar period and the era of the 'Judges'.The bookalso examines the succession of modernizing monarchs that followed, culminatingin the rule of Emperor Haile Selassie. The book concludes with a review ofEthiopian history and culture considering contemporary Ethiopia within anhistorical context. Installation electrique batiment cours pdf file. The final section recounts how, following Italy's entry into World War II,British Somali land was invaded and conquered and fears of a British debaclespread all over East Africa.
But then the tide of battle turned. As Mussolini'sdreams crumbled into dust and his armies into defeat, the ex-Emperor, supportedbythe bold but amateurish troops of Orde Wingate's Gideon Force, fought his waystep by step back into full control of his Empire, despite all the attempts tostop him by Italians, Ethiopians, and even by his allies the British.
Best Amharic Books Pdf Books
Thestory of one historian's search in Ethiopia to find the Ark of the Covenant A nobject is kept in a chapel in the old crenelated church of Mary of Zion inAksum, Ethiopia, that emperors, patriarchs and priests have assured the world isthe most important religious relic of all time: The Ark of the Covenant. Are thelegends true? Or is this story a monumental deception?
Best Amharic Books Pdf Downloads
In a triumph ofhistorical detective work, acclaimed Ethiopia expert Stuart Munro-Hay traces theextraordinary legend of Ethiopia's Ark through ancient texts, local stories,from the Bible and from the writings of sixteenth and seventeenth centuryJesuits up to modern times, before he reaches his conclusions. The Quest for theArk of the Covenantpromises to settle the mystery of the Ark in Aksum once andfor all.